Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Thoughts and Commentary Part 2

From My Journal

Where Have All The Diapers Gone 

June, 2014

     An article by Tom Foreman in the Yahoo News reported that somebody ripped off a bunch of diapers from a non-profit association’s “diaper bank.” They took 13,000 of the things, mostly sizes 4 and 5. The diaper-bank people claimed that these sizes are the most called for. They said “losing the sizes 4 and 5 diapers is especially difficult because babies can stay in them for up to a year ___”

     I’m not an authority, but our girls would not stay in a diaper near that long. After it had served its purpose they wanted out of the thing pronto and no ifs, ands, or buts, about it. And they were vocal about that.

     A couple things puzzle me. Or more like surprise me. One is that there is a “diaper bank.” Who’d a thought? The second thing is, “What do these thieves need with 13,000 diapers?” I mean can you see them hanging out in an alley entrance saying, “Psst, wanna buy a diaper.” Or maybe these things will show up on E-Bay or Craigslist, but that would take them forever to unload all their ill-gotten gains. Maybe they will end up in some third-world country where mothers are desperate for diapers and will pay an exorbitant amount for the things. 

Well, that’s all I got, and I’ve already spent more time on this than it’s worth.

Down but Not Out

You hear about how old people are being targeted by thieves and such because of their age. Well not all old people are that easy to take advantage of. Another news item that Yahoo News picked off the AP tells about one such case.

A couple in their eighty’s had just gotten home from a casino with $500.00 dollars in winnings when a man broke into their home and demanded money. The alternative to not giving him some money he explained was to get shot. The man told the thief that he was 85 years old and if the thief wanted to shoot him to go ahead. The thief didn’t, but started rummaging around the house. The couple took his momentary absence to run outside where the old gentleman clicked on his car alarm, which caused the thief to run out of the house and jump in a waiting car.

So for all the criminals out there, just because we’re old doesn’t mean that taking advantage of us is going to be a walk in the park.

A Lick In Time, Can Get You Time

A Reuters report out of Albuquerque, NM, and picked up by Yahoo News stated that, “A kitchen employee at a women’s halfway house has been charged with three counts of battery on a peace officer.” Okay, I can see where working in a kitchen all day might make a person a little testy, but what did she actually do? Well, it seems that she licked this officer’s sandwich cheese and ice cubes before serving them to him. So be careful what you lick while making lunch for the family or you could be facing battery charges as well.

As reported by Will Lerner and picked up by Yahoo , a 17 year old held a man at gunpoint, demanding that the victim empty out his bank account at an ATM. However, in the middle of the operation the perp fell asleep. Nobody’s sure why.

     The lesson here:  If you’re planning a mugging, take a nap first. 

Budget Cuts Strike Again

At a Pennsylvania school, a school aid served the fourth grade class dog treats and told they were cookies. The school district, after suspending the aid, explained that it was entirely her fault. None of the kids were reported as sustaining any ill effects, which is not a surprise as there is nothing in the dog treats that should be harmful to humans unless they have certain food allergies.

     Now modern journalism being what it is the story does not answer my big question. “Who tumbled to the fact that the treats were not really people cookies, but dog food?” I think it’s a good question, don’t you?

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