Friday, January 1, 2016

New Years Resolutions – Why?

Friday, January 1, 2016
    Okay, the first day of the new year is already history, well, nearly, and I’ve not even made one resolution. Why? Resolutions based on the time of year just never made a lot of sense to me. If I feel I need to do something, why wait until January 1? As proven by millions of people, a January 1 resolution has nothing magic about it. It is just as hard to keep as one made on the 5th of March, or the 22nd of August, or especially the 14th of October. (Long story)
    So I started the year without any resolutions and feel quite confident that I can maintain that status.
    However to make up for what some might see as a slovenly approach to living, I have, on this day, discovered something I’d not heard of before and possibly something I can take advantage of in the future. I’ll share it with you.
    Police pulled over a New York driver who, in their opinion, was driving erratically. This woman failed the sobriety tests. However, she beat a driving-while-impaired charge by proving that she has "auto-Brewery syndrome." (You might want to tattoo that on the back of your hand or some other convenient place.) It turned out that this is an actual condition, recognized by medical science, where an excess of yeast in the digestive system converts carbohydrates to alcohol. This condition is also known as "gut fermentation syndrome," but that name doesn't have nearly the panache of "auto-brewery syndrome." At least to my way of thinking. 
     So, if you get caught acting in a manner where people might think you've been imbibing of an intoxicating substance, just tell them that you have "auto-brewery syndrome."  
     You're welcome, 



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