Wednesday, February 24, 2016


Well, There They Are, Finally
A recent headline read “Scientists Figured Out Where Aliens Might Be Hiding.” This headline was over an article written by Max Plenke. I’m not sure if Max supplied the headline or not, but after reading it I starting thinking. Why would these aliens be hiding? What do they have to be scared of? What are they trying to keep secret?
Maybe after observing us, like a patch of flesh-eating bacteria on the sidewalk, they just want to avoid us.

A Bad Day? Well, Maybe
A bad day is when you find your house parked on a railroad track. You say, “Yeah, like that could happen.” In Canada, a house was being moved when the moving-truck had a tire flat, right when the house was sitting astraddle a railroad track. The report sort of alludes to the fact that it took until the next day before the tire was fixed and the house hauled off the train tracks. Not a good day for the home’s owner. The only thing worse that could have happened would have been to hear the sound of a train whistle in the distance, getting closer and closer.
    An aside  -  this report, written by Daniel Uria, had a posted location of Alberta, British Columbia. Yeah, it was new to me also.

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