Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Here We Go Again, The Media Leaves Us Hanging

From My Journal

How Did He Do It?

July, 2014

Here we go again. From Hackensack, N.J. comes this story via Yahoo News. A public works inspector stole $460,000 worth of quarters over a two-year period. The article goes on to say how the court is making him pay back about half of the stolen amount over a five-year period. The plea agreement is a little complicated and of very little interest to me.

What the article doesn’t bother explaining is where did he find and how did he liberate 1,870,000 quarters? It seems to me, and I’m no journalist, that those two facts might be of some interest to other readers. Is there anyone else out there who would like to know the rest of the story?   

How Did They Do It?

July, 2014

     Reuters Edition USA reported that in a petting zoo in Maryland some vandals brook in and painted graffiti on a 650-pound sow and her 11 piglets. Okay, that is sort of funny, maybe not for the pigs, but no harm was done to the porkers.

     Once again the media didn’t report on the most important part of the incident. HOW THEY DID IT!

Pigs are smart, quick, often slick, and usually in a muddy and slippery environment, to put the best possible face on it. When chased they will squeal, screech, bite and let their bodily functions loose to do whatever.

 Catching a pig, big or little, can be very challenging. But catching a pig and keeping it still long enough to paint graffiti on it is quite a trick. It would take quick footwork, exceptional teamwork, good strategy, and lots of stamina. Instead of catching and painting pigs, this group should form a soccer team, which, with their talents could not help but be world class.

Does anyone else out there get frustrated with the way the media present things?

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