Tuesday, April 3, 2018

What You Eat Can Kill You – So Wait Until Next Week When it Will Good for You 

    Another article about food that has been passed before my eyes is now telling me that fats, for so long the bug-a-boo of a healthy diet, are now essential. But not all fats. A person needs a built-in computer to keep track of the difference between the good and bad fats. And that computer better be able to keep up with this information, as tomorrow it will change. 

    Vegetable oils, so long the saviors of the healthy diet and the only thing keeping our hearts going, we now find are lowering our cholesterol but increasing our chances of dying. Figure that one out. After all we heard about high cholesterol and to what lengths we went to avoid it, we now find that there are good and bad cholesterols. Again, the need for that built in computer. 

    There are all these studies showing just about any conclusion you want to support. Red meat is bad, red meat is good for you, as long as the cow has been fed grass and not grain. Mediterranean diet is the only way to go; Mediterranean diet will kill you. It used to be that you had to eat mostly carbs, and now we know, or think we do, that carbs are bad. Dairy was something no one would touch who had any respect for their body and wanted to live a long life, but now dairy is not so bad and maybe just what we need. 

    You can pick anything that you like to eat and find a study supporting your desires.

   What I’d like to see is a study that tells us the effect on longevity and contentment of constantly worrying about what we’re eating. I’m guessing that the study would find that we could eat about anything we wanted, as long as we ate a variety of foods in moderation and didn’t worry about it. Just an idea.

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