Wednesday, May 27, 2015

All the Perks with None of the Risks
       Every so often nature produces another genius. We now have confirmation of one of these miracles. This person happens to live in West Texas. What this fellow did to prove to us the high level of his genius was to rig out his truck to look like a partially unmarked police vehicle---light bars, sirens, and a uniform for himself. Why? According to him, so he could cut in line at the fast-food places and run stoplights.
     Well, it worked for a while. The question is: “How long did this ‘genius’ think he was going to get away with this scam. And think of the cost. How much would it cost to outfit his truck? A good light bar, uninstalled would run him somewhere between $400 and $1,300. One siren would cost him about $150 uninstalled. So if this guy did his own installation, which is a stretch considering how smart he is, he has at least $700 invested in being able to cut in line at McDonalds or slip through a stoplight now and again. Oh, I forgot the uniform. That’s another $150.
     He is now free on $15,000 bail. The fine for impersonating an officer will be substantial. So what has he  gained? I don't for the life of me see an upside to his behavior. But then, I'm not a genius.

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