Sunday, May 17, 2020

I’m Just Saying

    As part of the social distancing and everything else that has come along with CORVID-19, we have been told that people aged 60 and older are in a higher risk category than say, those under 60. This seems to have caused some concern and consternation among some members of this group of older citizens. They didn’t seem to like the idea that they were more apt to react badly when exposed to this virus than a younger person. 
    My reaction to this news was, so, big whoop! My age group (60 and older) has been at higher risk of reacting badly to most things for as long as I can remember. What do these people think getting old is all about? 

Shifting gears - - 
    Have you noticed that all the politicians are now campaigning by “reaching out in this time of social distancing,” like their messages were something we were longing for, to help us keep our sanity in these “unprecedented times.” I get about a dozen e-mails a day from candidates seeking a position at the public trough or who don’t want to be dislodged from said trough. These ads don’t seem to be as negative as their TV counterparts. The TV ads seem to be getting more vicious. 
    Speaking of these TV ads: What kind of thinking process is the following ad appealing to when it talks about some political opponent [say, Joe], and how ‘he has not lived in the state very long,’ how ‘he voted to build a ten-mile freeway that ran past his farm and the farm of one neighbor before reverting to a narrow blacktop country road,’ and how ‘he was accused and almost convicted of racketeering in the state where he used to live.’ But then the ad ends up by saying “Vote for Ed,” who is the one sponsoring the ad. The ad has never said anything about Ed or how he might possibly contribute to the running of some political entity. And we are to assume that because Ed knows all the things wrong with his opponent, he would make a good leader? WOW! 
    Now these negative ads are not put together by dummies, but by people who understand the viewing public and how they will react. And the very sad thing is that they know these negative ads work. 
    I read recently where some guy was suggesting that our great country deserved better political leaders, but as much as I agree, I’m thinking, maybe we deserve what we’ve gotten.

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