Thursday, January 1, 2015

A Slap On The Wrist? Really?
     Leah Schnurr reported via Reuters: A lady in Canada was driving in the passing lane when she saw some ducklings crossing the road. She stopped very suddenly. Her reason was "I just wanted to pick all those duckling up and put them in my car."

Okay, that’s a nice sentiment but not very practical. I doubt the ducklings would have enjoyed, or appreciated the gesture.

The main problem with her actions was that there was other traffic around her. The motorcycle behind her crashed into her stopped car. This collision killed the 50-year–old man driving the motorcycle and his 16-year-old daughter.

So what does the Canadian justice system do? They feel they have to discourage this sort of thing, so they convict this woman of criminal negligence and dangerous driving, and punish her by giving her a jail sentence of 90 days. But to soften the blow they are letting her serve her 90 days on weekends.

A slap on the wrist? This isn’t even a tickle. But to let her know that they really don’t approve of what she has done, she is banned from driving for ten years. At last, something substantial as a punishment.

From The Mouths Of Babes
      A story reported by Jonathan Kaminsky left two questions unanswered.

     In Alabama, the police stopped a car that was suspected of being used to move drugs. Sure enough, their drug-sniffing dog detected something, which left the question, “Where in the car was the contraband located.” In the car was a man (suspect), his wife, a 2 year old, and her older sister. The police ordered everyone out of the car. That’s when the police got a helping hand. The older girl offered, “Daddy put something in sister's diaper.

     The police had Mom undress the little girl and sure enough, they found 14 grams of heroin.

     Now for the two questions: Did the police offer the older girl protective custody after she so willingly ratted out her father?

     And what is the street name for heroin that’s been stored in a baby’s diaper? Relief? Super Brown? Blowout? Just wondering.

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