Sunday, October 26, 2014

Another Public Service Announcement for Anyone Thinking About Traveling In New Mexico

October, 2014


             This is another New Mexico travel alert! If you're going to New Mexico, and if you're in Bloomfield, and if you're in Burger King, and if Your onion rings cold, you'd best just keep your mouth shut. 

     One gentleman didn’t and the Burger King Manager allegedly attacked him.
     Now the cold-onion-rings guy is suing Burger King, and so it goes.
     A little advice: Before complaining about your cold onion rings, ask the establishment’s manager if he is having a bad day. If so, you might want to decide that cold is just the way you like onion rings. 

Another Dopey Cow?
     Whodathought! I found out today that there is a world cow-milking contest. Contestants travel around the world with their bovine partners to compete. The object is to see how much milk the milker can squeeze out of his partner in the allotted two minutes.
     Recently the World Championship was held at Branzi Fair, in Italy. The winner was Gianmario Ghirardi and his partner Mirka. Between the two they produced 8.7 liters in the allotted two minutes. (I’m not sure I could get that out of my garden hose.) The 8.7 liters is a world’s record. The previous record was two liters. An impressive increase.
I guess that is why there is talk about what kind of anti-doping checks were done on both milkers and cows.
The report posted on had the assistant president of the organizing body responding to the doping question by saying, “We checked the cows for any tampering for an hour, then there are eight judges,” whatever in the world that means.
There you have it. It was a new one for me, maybe also for you.

Jury Tampering 101
I’m sure you’ve heard of jury tampering. In Pittsburgh, a lady took this illegal activity to a whole new level. The only problem was she sort of got it backwards. Usually the tampering is to get the jury to do something in your favor or the favor of whomever you’re representing.
This lady, who was in the courthouse after being arraigned and released on a previous retail theft charge,  stole over $500 from the purses of some jury members as they were hearing a case.
Surveillance cameras recorded the whole thing, proving once again that not all criminals are geniuses.
With a little luck she will get this same jury when her case comes to trial.

That Might Work!
     China is hunting a Siberian tiger that Vladimir Putin released into the Russian wilderness. At the time the Russian media made Putin out to be a hero for doing this deed. The tiger has now allegedly roamed across the border into Chinese territory. Not a big surprise  - - if Putin can’t keep within the borders of Russia, why should we expect anything better of a tiger.
     One thing that will help the searchers is that the tiger has been tagged with a tracking device. This might give the rest of the world an idea of what to do with some world leaders who don’t seem to be able to stay within their borders.                                                  

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